Purity and Integrity: When It Is Very Bad to be a Little Good

אירוע זה עבר

יום שני 13.04.2020

עד יום שני 13.04.2020


Purity and Integrity: When It Is Very Bad to be a Little Good

Join Dena Weiss on Monday 13/4, 19 Nisan at 8:00pm through this link.

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In our quest to improve ourselves and improve the world, we rightly tend to think that some good is better than none, but in this class we'll see some examples of when a small amount of good is in act worse than none. We'll examine the ways that being good and doing the right thing can be used for sinister means and think deeply about how understanding this should impact the way that we portray ourselves and the way that we behave in the world.

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